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"C'est un doux mélange de blues, de folk, de rock!" 

- Zelda Chauvet , La Télé - Ca part en live

"Ana and The Black Mamba va vous faire voyager. amoureux de Nick Cave et Johnny Cash c'est pour vous!"

- Steve Schwerzmann, Le Backstage

"En ces temps troublés où la violence et l’instabilité planent comme des oiseaux de mauvais augure sur les regards craintifs d’une humanité en manque de repères, la musique folk paisible et réconfortante d’ Ana and The Black Mamba fait l’effet d’un contrepoison radical. " 

- Denis, Le Kremlin

Ana and The Black Mamba is a Swiss folk band from Monthey (Wallis) and Montreux (Vaud).

It was born in the summer of 2013 from a meeting between two opposing temperaments: Khalid EL HAOUARI and Olivier MICHAUVILLE. Both composers and performers, they will sail together on waves of folk'n blues for several years.

Aurélien BERTINOTTI, cellist, and SCHALLER Jonas, guitarist and harmonica player, will be part of the ship foaming and blooming with an incisive blues and a bitterness folk the multiple stages trodden.

On the road, other talents join the group to give it the caustic note of rock:

Christophe HUET, bassist - Ezdine SEBAIAÏ, cajonist, Basile CRITTIN, percussionist. Jonathan LOWDEN, David WEHREN and Marc Alain WAEBER, drummers.

2015 "First" EP - 2017 "All is wrong" album - 2020 "Edele" album.

Featuring: Julien Voeffray (percussionist, on stage) - Livio De Matteis (guitarist, on stage) - Nicolas Martino (percussionist, on stage) - Gordon Mc Donald (clarinetist, on stage) - Steve Riesen (guitarist, studio) - David Wehren (drummer, on stage).

Record studio: SAE (Geneva) with Aurélien Bertinotti - IS Production (Aigle) with Thierry Lingdom - Caduceus Studio (Gimel) with Leo Spiritof and Lad Agabekov.

© 2023 Switzerland

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